January 2, 2011

Jeff "Rat" Robinson

Jeff Robinson, Chomp'd.

Maybe the most under the radar, under rated kid trying to work his way up in Ontario.
If you can do a trick Jeff can do the trick and then he will do it switch right after just because he can.

He has no sponsors and I donated my old boots to him because his 32 lashed from 2007 just wouldn't hold another drop of shoe goo or strip of duct tape. His boots didn't slow him down nor did his busted board last season that he beat a bunch of us on to win the Smolik says rail jam.

This picture was taken the other day right after he hit his face off his knee when landing off a jump. 6 hours later and 4 stitches in his toungue I shit you not this is what he asked. "Can you drop me off back at the park, I still feel like riding.." And that is what he did.

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