March 9, 2010

Back on the Wagon.

After 3 weeks off the "board" the weather started getting warm quick and I was starting to think my season was over with but my good pal Smolik threw a contest and I went to see what I could do. My foot hurt a bit when I didn't fully rotate spinning out of tricks but for the most part it was good and I had one of the best times on the hill all season.

Andrew Sayer was there to cover the contest for, Fallow the link to Sayer's column. Sayzars column.

Pressing Tail (backside)

March 2, 2010

Still Out.

My heel is still giving me problems, I tried snowboarding on it last Friday even though it hurt to even put my foot in my boot and it made things worse.
On the good side of things it feels better today than it has so far so maybe its healing now.

Heres a pic of a spot that I got a shot at just before I hurt my foot.