March 2, 2011

Getting our night sesh on.

Horseshoe Team Practicing from Stephen Powling on Vimeo.

Luke Harrison, Andrew Skelhorn, Andrew Rusk and I.. ph working the lens.

February 27, 2011

Michael Jordan.

Nothing to do with snowboarding but its a great source of inspiration, MJ speaks 9 minutes 53 seconds that will make you want to take on the world. G.O.A.T!

February 19, 2011

Bradley Hesson

9 Tricks With Bradley Hesson. from Brad Gauley on Vimeo.

This day was my first time filming with Hesson, although already knowing he was a funny kid and that he was a good dude to film with I didn't realize how hilarious he actually was until later when I was going through his footage.

February 2, 2011

They Grow up so Fast..

DC / Up The Ante / Winnipeg Demo 05
Andrew Geeves, Myself, Jody Wachniak, Jake Kuzyk.

Last week I ran into Jake Kuzyk while he was at Horseshoe resort taking a quick day break while he was in Ontario filming for the new VideoGrass film Retrospect.

Jake reminded me of the time back in 2005 when I went to Winnipeg to Do a Demo with DC who I was riding for at the time. I was 21yrs old freshly on DC and they asked me if I minded going to Winnipeg to do a solo demo at a snowboard shop called Kings.
Of course my answer was yes having never done anything of this sort before but when I showed up that evening to do the demo the set up was sketchy to say the least.
A snowmobile tow in across a parking lot to step up onto some scaffolding then I'd hit a rail on the other side. To make a long story short I was nervous as hell and shaking like crazy but ended up getting through it.

Another thing I remember from the demo was 3 kids that seemed really into everything that was going on and that where stoked to have a DC "Pro" in thier city of Winnipeg.

Who would have thought those same 3 kids would turn out to be Jake Kuzyk, Andrew Geeves, and Jody Wachniak.

Last week after seeing Jake I dug deep into the archives and found these photos, its pretty crazy to see where they're at these days with snowboarding considering they where just kids wishing they could have been doing what I was that night. How the tables have turned!!!

DC / Up The Ante


January 15, 2011

Zach Stone.. Underdog or Top Dawg?

Although Zach Stone is still young he's had a pretty lengthy reign in the snowboard world, He's definitely had enough time to make a name for himself be it good or bad.

Ive always had respect for him when others are quick to judge. Stoner has always had tons of pressure on him when it comes to snowboarding; be it sponsors, contests, or knowing somebody is always watching and constantly judging. It's Zachs 'fuck it dude' attitude that made an impact on me.

Zach ignored everyone when people where telling him how to make his next move in snowboarding, it may not have been what his sponsors wanted but in my opinion it worked, in the last two seasons Ive seen his snowboard skills progress like crazy. He has also had the time to grow into a young man and kick that cocky little kid attitude that everyone holds against him.

I had the pleasure to go hit a pretty well known rail in Collingwood with Zach when he was back for a short time over Christmas visiting his family.

Stoners definitely a Top Dawg in my books, he has loads of talent and he's not afraid to make choices on his own despite what industry puppeteers are telling him.

Zach Stone back lipped.
Back Lipped
Zach Stone nosepress.
Nose Press.. First T.

January 13, 2011 Interview

Here it is.. like I said a few days ago I was given the opportunity to do a little interview with a long time friend; Andrew Sayer for Thank you Sayer for the great intro.

Click the Photo to go to

Still Shots FOR Days!

Don't you hate it when you go to a spot and work on getting a trick for a good 2+ hours but never actually get it the way you wanted it... I DO.

Must have got at least 60 photos last night, clogging up Momars memory card.. but maybe only got my trick once. I say maybe because it didn't feel right when I landed it but i guess ill see once it's pulled off the camera.

Thanks Greg, Skelhorn and Momar for your patience.

January 9, 2011


Just finished off an Interview with Im not sure when its going to be posted but I think it turned out pretty good.

It touches on the past, some current and has some opinion type questions thrown in there as well. Guess we will see once its up on the site.

January 2, 2011

Jeff "Rat" Robinson

Jeff Robinson, Chomp'd.

Maybe the most under the radar, under rated kid trying to work his way up in Ontario.
If you can do a trick Jeff can do the trick and then he will do it switch right after just because he can.

He has no sponsors and I donated my old boots to him because his 32 lashed from 2007 just wouldn't hold another drop of shoe goo or strip of duct tape. His boots didn't slow him down nor did his busted board last season that he beat a bunch of us on to win the Smolik says rail jam.

This picture was taken the other day right after he hit his face off his knee when landing off a jump. 6 hours later and 4 stitches in his toungue I shit you not this is what he asked. "Can you drop me off back at the park, I still feel like riding.." And that is what he did.

December 29, 2010

December 17, 2010

A couple photos from yesterday.

2 more days in Colorado so yesterday we made the best of the snow that came in with an over night storm and got some early morning pow at A-basin then headed into Dillon to hit a couple rails.

Dillon wood kink

Dillon Amphlitheater

December 12, 2010

Product Testing


Testing out the new Zoom Force DK. After an in depth analysis and shredding the shit out of the foot board of the bed, I give them an 8.35 out of 10.

December 5, 2010

First Day 2010

Arrived in Keystone yesterday and went up the mountain today for the first time this Season.

Park was sick and I saw 14 Jed Anderson's.... pics to come in the next few days.

November 30, 2010


One of the things that gets me pumped to snowboard...

Appleyard's so smooth.

November 27, 2010

Kooley know's what's up.

It's hard for us tall skinny dudes to find clothes that fit the way we want them too.

November 26, 2010

Virgin Mobile

Every month when I get my Virgin Mobile bill I get mad.. How can I get mad when I know my money's going to this man. Richard Bransons a PIMP!

Visit Raised By Wolves

November 24, 2010

Rep Yo' Set!

What "I" am Rockin'

November 23, 2010

Georgian Jibfest

Good enough for 2nd place. First time strapping in this season.

March 9, 2010

Back on the Wagon.

After 3 weeks off the "board" the weather started getting warm quick and I was starting to think my season was over with but my good pal Smolik threw a contest and I went to see what I could do. My foot hurt a bit when I didn't fully rotate spinning out of tricks but for the most part it was good and I had one of the best times on the hill all season.

Andrew Sayer was there to cover the contest for, Fallow the link to Sayer's column. Sayzars column.

Pressing Tail (backside)

March 2, 2010

Still Out.

My heel is still giving me problems, I tried snowboarding on it last Friday even though it hurt to even put my foot in my boot and it made things worse.
On the good side of things it feels better today than it has so far so maybe its healing now.

Heres a pic of a spot that I got a shot at just before I hurt my foot.

February 22, 2010

Bruised and Bummed Out.

As I sit at home nursing a bruised left heel I'm looking out my window watching the snow fall, with more snow in the forecast for the next 2 days several hot spots are getting snowed on including some areas that have seen little to no snow up to this point of the season.

I'm doing what I can to speed up the recovery process so I can take advantage of this snow and get some work done, Hopefully my heel heals and I don't fall into a deep depression because I missed the only opportunity I had to get shots at spots I've been waiting for all season.

February 9, 2010


Cruising the Shoe with a Couple of PeachHat's. Ashbee, Bebee and Brody. Love riding with these guys. I've never asked what PeachHat means but it sounds like a circumsized penis to me.

PeachHat - Horseshoe from Beebe on Vimeo.

February 3, 2010

January 29, 2010

Happy Birthday CAPiTA!

An Odam photo from 2004 of a younger me with an original CAPiTA
art piece.
Thanks for 10 Great years and excited for to 10 More!

January 28, 2010


Went back to set up this spot we went to the other day, Shoveled the entire snow bank on the landing 4 feet to the right but midway through it started to blizzard and I couldn't film it. Go poach it.. NOT.